Survey Tool
Kidney Disease Quality of Life Instrument
The long form of the KDQOL™ (134 items) was developed in 1994 by the Kidney Disease Quality of Life Working Group with support from Amgen. After release of the KDQOL™ Long Form, the group began work on KDQOL™ short forms. This page includes information on the KDQOL™-SF 1.3 and the KDQOL™-36 short forms.
All KDQOL instruments and scoring tools have been moved to the RAND website.
Our People
Ron D. Hays, PhD, UCLA, Professor of Medicine

Karen Spritzer, UCLA School of Medicine, expert programmer helping to analyze KDQOL datasets.
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Read the Latest
Peipert, J.D. and Hays, R.D. (2017). Methodological considerations in using patient reported measures in dialysis clinics. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes (2017) 1: 11.
Peipert, J.D. and Hays, R.D. (2017). Using Patient-Reported Measures in Dialysis Clinics. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 12: 1889-1891.
Peipert, J.D., Bentler, P.M., Klicko, K., & Hays, R.D. (2017, in press). Psychometric properties of the Kidney Disease Quality of Life 36-item short form survey (KDQOL™-36) in the United States. American Journal of Kidney Disease.