Important Links
Hays, R.D., Herman, P., Qureshi, N., Rodriquez, A., & Edelen, M. O. (submitted). How well do seven self-report measures represent underlying back pain impact? Pain Management Nursing. (6/29/23)
Hays, R.D., Qureshi, N., Herman, P.M., Rodriguez, A., Kapteyn, A., & Edelen, M.O. (2023). Excluding Those Who Report Having "Syndomitis" or "Chekalism" Improves Health Survey Data Quality. (2/26/23)
Hays, R. D. (2021). Problems with Turcotte et al. (2020, J of Orthopaedics) article. (1/7/21)
PROMIS Reference Populations. PROMIS measures use scores that have meaning. A PROMIS score of 50 is the average (or mean) score for a specific, relevant group of people.. that group is the reference population. (2021)
Gender and Age Range Sub-norms for Adult PROMIS Measures Centered on the US General Census 2000. (2021). See Box.
Conducting Focus Groups (Community Tool Box, chapter 3, section 6), Kansas University Work Group for Community Health and Development, Community Tool Box. (2017)
Minimum Clinically Important Difference (MCID): Defining Outcome Metrics for Orthopaedic Devices - Public Meeting, November 27-28, 2012. (2014) See Box.
CHIME: Center for Health Improvement for Minority Elders - Analysis core. (2020)
Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) (2018)
RAND Health - Research - Surveys
Resources for Methods in Evaluation and Social Research (2020)
UCLA Department of Medicine Statistics CORE (DOMSTAT)