All presentation materials are located in our Box folder. Please contact Dr. Hays with any questions at
Hays, Ron D. Psychometric Evaluation of Measures. Questionnaire Design and Testing Workshop. Los Angeles, CA: December 11, 2024. [pdf version]
Hays, Ron D. Whole in One Self-Rated Health. UCLA GIM HSR Friday Noon Seminar Series 2024-2025 focuses on "GIM-HSR Advances, Innovations and Methods: From Ideas to Actions". Los Angeles, CA: November 22, 2024. [pdf]
Hays, Ron D. Psychometric Analysis of Survey Data. RCMAR Methods Seminar. February 26, 2024. [pdf version]
Hays, Ron D. Psychometric Methods: Reliability and Validity. UC END DISPARITIES: Cardiometabolic disparities research. January 30, 2024. [pdf version]
Hays, Ron D. Comparison of PROMIS-29 and PROMIS Global Physical and Mental Health Scores. UCLA GIM HSR Friday Noon Seminar Series 2023-2024 focuses on "GIM-HSR Advancements, Innovations and Methods (GIM-HSR-AIMS)". Los Angeles, CA: December 15, 2023. [pdf version]
Hays, Ron D. Psychometric Evaluation of Measures. Questionnaire Design and Testing Workshop. Los Angeles, CA: November 8, 2023. [pdf version]
Hays, Ron D. Guidance for Clinicians Wondering Whether HRQOL of an Individual Patient has Changed. 9th Annual PROMIS International Conference (Banff, Alberta, Canada): October 23, 2023. [pdf version]
Hays, Ron D. Excluding Those Who Report Having "Syndomitis" or "Chekalism" Improves the Reliability of PROMIS-29+2 v2.1 Scales. 9th Annual PROMIS International Conference (Banff, Alberta, Canada): October 23, 2023. [pdf version]
Hays, Ron D. The Current State of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures for Eye and Vision Conditions. Workshop on Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs) and Vision-Related Quality of Life (QoL) Questionnaires. Los Angeles, CA: September 29, 2023. [bibliography]
Hays, Ron D., Herman P., Qureshi, N., Rodriguez, A., & Edelen, M. O. (2023). A common factor is supported for seven self-support measures of back pain impact. International Society for Quality of Life Research. Annual Meeting (Calgary, Alberta, Canada): October 19, 2023.(link updated 8/28/23)
Hays, Ron D. Online survey data quality among those who have "Syndomitis" or "Chekalism". UCLA GIM HSR Friday Noon Seminar Series 2022-2023 focuses on "Health Services Delivery for Individuals and Populations" Los Angeles, CA: May 5, 2023. [video] [slides]
Hays, Ron D. Individual Change and Use of Measures in Clinical Settings. UCLA HPM 214: Los Angeles, CA: March 6, 2023.
Hays, Ron D. Psychometric Evaluation of Multi-Item Survey Scales. Questionnaire Design and Testing Workshop. Los Angeles, CA: February 1, 2023.
Hays, Ron D. Patient Reports about Health and Health Care. International Society for Quality in Health Care. 2022 Conference (Brisbane, Australia): October 18, 2022.
Hays, Ron D. Summary of Patient-Reported Outcome Measure Development for LASIK, IOLs, & MIGS. 2022 AAO Meeting - Our Eyes on the Patient: Bringing Standardized Patient Experiences into Ophthalmic Device Evaluation and Everyday Clinical Practice. Chicago, IL: October 1, 2022.
Hays, Ron D. Listening to the Patient: Measuring Patients' Perceptions of Health Care. Health Systems Science: Measuring What Matters for Change. Stanford University Spring Quarter 2022. May 11, 2022
Hays, Ron D. Interpreting Group and Individual Change: Minimally Important Difference versus Responder. UCLA Guest Lecture in PEP 8561. Los Angeles: March 31, 2022.
Hays, Ron D. Patient Experience with Health Care Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic. UCLA Department of Medicine GIM/Health Services Seminar Series. Los Angeles: December 17, 2021
Hays, Ron D. CAHPS® Surveys in the Age of Telehealth. (PowerPoint version). USC Gehr Quarterly Speaker Series: December 16, 2021.
Hays, Ron D. Assessing Change in Individuals from Baseline to a Single Follow-up. PROMIS Health Organization (PHO) Virtual Plenary: October 18, 2021. [mp4]
Hays, Ron D. Depressive symptoms are "associated" with Health-Related Quality of Life. UCLA Department of Medicine GIM/Health Services Seminar Series. Los Angeles: March 19, 2021.
Hays, Ron D. Psychometric Evaluation of Measures. Questionnaire Design Workshop: UCLA Clinical Scholars Program. Los Angeles, CA: February 1, 2021.
Hays, Ron D. Two Self-report Questions about Glare. RCMAR Analysis Methods Seminar. UCLA Division of General Internal Medicine & Health Services Research. Los Angeles: May 18, 2020.
Hays, Ron D. Self-reports of Glare Associated with LASIK (Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) Surgery Depend On How You Ask the Question. UCLA Department of Medicine GIM/Health Services Seminar Series. Los Angeles: April 10, 2020.
Hays, Ron D. Estimating Individual Change. RCMAR Methods Seminar Series. UCLA: November 18, 2019.
Hays, Ron D. Psychometric testing and validation (Multi-trait scaling and IRT). Questionnaire Design Workshop: UCLA Clinical Scholars Program. Los Angeles, CA: November 4, 2019.
Hays, Ron D. Identifying Responders to Treatment. PROMIS Health Organization Meeting: San Diego, CA: October 25, 2019
Hays, Ron D. Identifying Responders to Treatment: An Example of Change in the Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS®) Physical Functioning Scale. ISOQOL: San Diego, CA: October 21, 2019.
Hays, Ron D. Dr. Hays' Introduction to Incoming Fellows. UCLA: August 9, 2019.
Hays, Ron D. Patient Experiences with Health Care in the United States. Faculty Competency Training Progam for Hubei University of Chinese Medicine. Los Angeles, CA: June 17, 2019.
Hays, Ron D. Assessing Health-Related Quality of Life at the Group- and Individual-Level. Faculty Competency Training Progam for Hubei University of Chinese Medicine. Los Angeles, CA: June 10, 2019.
Hays, Ron D. Health-Related Quality of Life as an indicator of Quality of Care. Guest Lecture UCLA HPM216: Quality Assessment/Making the Business Case for Quality. Los Angeles, CA: April 19, 2019.
Hays, Ron D. Psychometric testing and validation (Multi-trait scaling and IRT). Instrument Design Workshop: UCLA Clinical Scholars Program. Los Angeles, CA: November 7, 2018.
Hays, Ron D. Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) Approach to Assessing Patient Experiences with Care in the U.S. What Matters to You: Measuring Patient Experiences (Symposium 5). International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) Annual Conference - Dublin, Ireland: October 27, 2018.
Hays, Ron D. Change in health-related quality of life over 3 months in chiropractic patients with chronic low back pain. UCLA Department of Medicine GIM/Health Services Seminar Series. Los Angeles: October 5, 2018.
Hays, Ron D. Dr. Hays' Introduction to Incoming Fellows. UCLA: August 3, 2018.
Hays, Ron D. PEER REVIEW MATTERS. GIM/HSR Mentoring Session. UCLA: July 19, 2018.
Hays, Ron D. Evaluating the SIgnificance of Individual Change. RCMAR Methods Seminar Series. UCLA: May 14, 2018.
Hays, Ron. D. Patient Reports about their Health Care and Health. UCLA Center for East-West Medicine. UCLA: May 14, 2018.
Hays, Ron D. Patient-reported Outcome Measures. RAND Center for Excellence in Research on Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CERC). International Congress on Integrative Health and Medicine. Baltimore, MD: May 11, 2018.
Hays, Ron D.Copyright Restrictions Versus Open Access to Survey Instruments. UCLA Department of Medicine GIM/Health Services Seminar Series. Los Angeles, CA: January 12, 2018.
Hays, Ron D. Assessing Patient-Reported Outcomes of Hemodialysis. Amgen: Thousand Oaks, CA. December 12, 2017.
Hays, Ron D. PROMIS-29 V2.0 Physical and Mental Health Summary Scores. International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) Annual Conference: Oral Session 208 - Measurement in General Populations. Philadelphia, PA: October 20, 2017.
Hays, Ron D. Evaluating the Psychometric Properties of Multi-Item Scales. NCSP Instrument Design Workshop: UCLA Clinical Scholars Program. Los Angeles, CA: October 13, 2017.
Hays, Ron D. Software Alternatives for IRT Analyses. HealthMeasures User Conference: Track D - Driving the Science. Chicago, IL: September 27, 2017.
Hays, Ron D. PROMIS-29 V2.0 Physical and Mental Health Summary Scores. HealthMeasures User Conference: Track B - Enhancing Quality Measurement. Chicago, IL: September 27, 2017.
Hays, Ron D. Dr. Hays' Introduction to Incoming Fellows. UCLA: July 27, 2017.
Hays, Ron D. Patient Reports about their Health Care and Health. UCLA Center for East West Medicine. Geffen Hall - David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA: July 18, 2017.
Hays, Ron D. Assessing Psychometric Properties of Multi-Item Scales. NIH Diversity Program Consortium Webinar Series ( February 17, 2017.
Hays, Ron D. Patient Experience of Care Surveys. David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Grand Rounds. Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center: February 15, 2017.
Hays, Ron D. NIH: Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS®). Functional Vision vs Visual Function - Working Towards Integrating the Patient Perspective in Retinal Research. Chevy Chase, MD: November 10, 2016.
Hays, Ron D. Differential Item Functioning Between English- and Spanish-Language on the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS®) Physical Functioning Items for Children and Adolescents. UCLA Department of Medicine GIM/Health Services Seminar Series. Los Angeles, CA: November 4, 2016.
Hays, Ron D. Psychometric Evaluation of Items. Questionnaire Design Testing Workshop: UCLA Clinical Scholars Program. Los Angeles, CA: November 2, 2016.
Hays, Ron D. Patient Experience of Care is an Indicator of Quality of Care. Guest lecture: University of New Mexico, Dept of Internal Medicine, Division of Nephrology. September 26, 2016.
Hays, Ron D. Dr. Hays' Introduction to Incoming Fellows. UCLA: August 19, 2016.
Hays, Ron D. Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs) as Quality of Care Measures. HealthMeasures User Workshop: Transforming how health is measured. Hyatt Rosemont, Rosemont, Illinois: June 2, 2016.
Hays, Ron D. Evaluating Patient-Reports about Health. Guest lecture: University of Utah Learning Health System Seminar (HSEB 2600) - University of Utah Health Sciences. Salt Lake City, Utah: May 19, 2016.
Hays, Ron D. Patient-Reported Indicators of Quality of Care. Guest lecture: Quality Assessment/Making the Business Case for Quality (HPM216) - UCLA. Los Angeles, CA: April 15, 2016.
Hays, Ron D. Are the 6 Physical Functioning Items in the CAHPS Medicare Survey Informative? UCLA Department of Medicine GIM/Health Services Seminar Series. Los Angeles, CA: March 18, 2016.
Hays, Ron D. Responding to Arguments Against Use of PROs for Evaluating the Performance of Healthcare Providers. Patient-Centered Assessment Resource (PCAR) . March 16, 2016.
Hays, Ron D. What can IRT do? NYU School of Medicine, Dept of Population Health: Center for Healthful Behavior Change Seminar Series New York, NY: March 1, 2016.
Hays, Ron D. Evaluating Multi-Item Scales. Guest lecture: Health Services Research Design (HPM225B) - UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. Los Angeles, CA: January 25, 2016.
Hays, Ron D. Psychometric Evaluation of Survey Data. Questionnaire Design and Testing Workshop - UCLA Clinical Scholars Program. Los Angeles, CA: December 7, 2015.
Hays, Ron D. Overlap between Subjective Well-being and Health-related Quality of Life. Geriatric Society of America: Subjective Well-being Assessment in Minority Aging Research. Orlando, FL: November 18, 2015.
Hays, Ron D. Measuring Health-Related Quality of Life. Questionnaire Design and Administration (M218) - UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. Los Angeles, CA: November 16, 2015.
Hays, Ron D. Physical Functioning Among Medicare Beneficiaries. International Society for Quality of Life Studies - Family: Health, Aging and Financing. Phoenix, AZ: October 16, 2015.
Hays, Ron D. Dr. Hays' Introduction to Incoming Fellows. UCLA: August 7, 2015.
Hays, Ron D. Can patients be satisfied to death? What was Joshua J. Fenton thinking? UCLA Center for Maximizing Outcomes and Research on Effectiveness [C-MORE : visit site for audio! (25MB)]. UCLA: July 21, 2015.
Hays, Ron D. SAS PROC IRT. RCMAR/EXPORT Methodological Seminar Series. UCLA: July 20, 2015.
Hays, Ron D. Are Positive Experiences with Health Care Bad for Health? AcademyHealth. Minneapolis, MN: June 14, 2015.
Hays, Ron D. Measuring Health-Related Quality of Life. Guest lecture: Questionnaire Design and Administration (M218) - UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. Los Angeles, CA: May 13, 2015.
Hays, Ron D. Health-Related Quality of Life as an Indicator of Quality of Care. Guest lecture: Quality Assessment/Making the Business Case for Quality (HPM216) - UCLA. Los Angeles, CA: April 10, 2015.
Hays, Ron D. Patient-Centered Outcomes of Health Care. UCLA Comparative Effectiveness Research. Los Angeles, CA: February 3, 2015.
Hays, Ron D. Evaluating Multi-Item Scales. Guest lecture: Health Services Research Design (HS225B) - UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. Los Angeles, CA: January 26, 2015.
Hays, Ron D. & Liu, Honghu. Online Panels for Data Collection. RCMAR/EXPORT Methodological Seminar Series. UCLA: December 15, 2014.
Hays, Ron D. Measuring Health-Related Quality of Life. Guest lecture: Questionnaire Design and Administration (M218) - UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. Los Angeles, CA: November 26, 2014.
Hays, Ron D.Use of Online Panels to Conduct Surveys. Society for Computers in Psychology Conference. Long Beach, CA: November 20, 2014.
Hays, Ron D. Psychometric Evaluation of Survey Data. Questionnaire Design and Testing Workshop - UCLA Clinical Scholars Program. Los Angeles, CA: October 24, 2014.
Hays, Ron D. Review of Patient Safety Culture Survey Measures Completed by Healthcare Providers. UCLA Center for Maximizing Outcomes and Research on Effectiveness (C-MORE) Lecture Series. Los Angeles, CA: October 21, 2014.
Hays, Ron D. Methods for Assessing Safety Culture: A View from the Outside. Safety Culture Conference: AHRQ: October 2, 2014.
Hays, Ron D. Dr. Hays' Introduction to Incoming Fellows. UCLA: August 1, 2014.
Hays, Ron D. Use of Health-Related Quality of Life Measures to Assess Individual Patients Kaiser Permanente Methods Webinar Seminar Series. Los Angeles, CA: July 24, 2014.
Hays, Ron D. Evaluating Health-Related Quality of Life Measures. Kaiser Permanente Methods Webinar Seminar Series. Los Angeles, CA: June 12, 2014.
Hays, Ron D. Overview of Health-Related Quality of Life Measures. Kaiser Permanente Methods Webinar Seminar Series. Los Angeles, CA: May 22, 2014.
Hays, Ron D. Health-Related Quality of Life as an Indicator of Quality of Care. Guest lecture: Quality Assessment/Making the Business Case for Quality (HPM216) - UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. Los Angeles, CA: May 2, 2014.
Paoli CJ, Taylor-Stokes G, Hays, Piercy J, Gitlin M, Hays RD & Wood R. Evaluation of the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems In-Center Hemodialysis (CAHPS-ICH) Survey. Poster presentation at National Kidney Foundation Spring Clinical Meetings. Las Vegas, NV: April 22-26, 2014.
Hays, Ron D. Patient-Reported Outcomes of Health Care. Presentation to Visiting Scholars from China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. UCLA Center for East-West Medicine. Los Angeles, CA: April 16, 2014.
Hays, Ron D. Social and Behavioral Determinants of Health. Institute of Medicine Committee on Recommended Social and Behavioral Domains and Measures for Electronic Medical Health Records. Beckman Center of the National Academies of Sciences. Irvine, CA: February 6, 2014.
Hays, Ron D. Patient-Centered Outcomes of Health Care. CTSI Training Module 3C - Comparative Effectiveness Research. UCLA. Los Angeles, CA: January 23, 2014.
Hays, Ron D. Evaluating Multi-Item Scales. Guest lecture: Health Services Research Design (HPM225A) - UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. Los Angeles, CA: November 15, 2013.
Hays, Ron D. Measuring Health-Related Quality of Life. Guest lecture: Questionnaire Design and Administration (M218) - UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. Los Angeles, CA: November 6, 2013.
Hays, Ron D. Why Patient-Reported Outcomes Are Important: Growing Implications and Applications for Rheumatologists. ACR Annual Meeting - San Diego Convention Center. San Diego, CA: October 30, 2013.
Hays, Ron D. Primer on Evaluating Reliability and Validity of Multi-Item Scales. Questionnaire Design and Testing Workshop - UCLA Clinical Scholars Program. Los Angeles, CA: October 25, 2013.
Hays, Ron D. A Parsimonious Patient-Reported Measure of Care Coordination. UCLA Department of Medicine GIM/Health Services Seminar Series. Los Angeles, CA: September 27, 2013.
Hays, Ron D. Remaining Challenges and What to Do Next: Undiscovered Areas. Item Response Theory in Measurement - University of Twente Symposium. Schiphol, Netherlands: September 17, 2013.
Hays, Ron D. Dr. Hays' Introduction to Incoming Fellows. UCLA: August 9, 2013.
Hays, Ron D.Should We Care about What Patients Say About Coordination of Care? AcademyHealth - Baltimore, MD: June 24, 2013.
Hays, Ron D. Studying the Doctor-Patient Relationship. UCLA HPM265--Challenges in Clinical Health Services Research. Los Angeles, CA: May 14, 2013.
Hays, Ron D. Health-Related Quality of Life Assessment as an Indicator of Quality of Care. Lecture to UCLA HPM 216--Special Topics in Health Services: Quality Assessment and Assurance. Los Angeles, CA: April 11, 2013.
Hays, Ron D. Use of Preference-Based Health-Related Quality of Life Measures in Cost Effectiveness Studies. Lecture to UCLA HLT POL 239B--Advanced Topics in Decision Analysis and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. Los Angeles, CA: February 26, 2013.
Hays, Ron D. Health-Related Quality of Life Measures. Lecture to UCLA HLT POL 239B--Advanced Topics in Decision Analysis and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. Los Angeles, CA: February 21, 2013.
Hays, Ron D. Psychometric Evaluation of Multi-Item Scales. Questionnaire Design and Testing Workshop - UCLA Clinical Scholars Program. Los Angeles, CA: February 6, 2013.
Hays, Ron D. Item-Response Theory in Patient-Reported Outcomes Research. Society of General Internal Medicine California-Hawaii Regional Meeting - Promoting Collaboration in Clinical Care, Research and Teaching. Los Angeles, CA: February 2, 2013.
Hays, Ron D. Measurement of Outcomes. Accelerating eXcellence In translational Science (AXIS). Los Angeles, CA: January 17, 2013.
Hays, Ron D. & Chen, Alex Y. Differences in CAHPS© Reports and Ratings of Health Care Provided to Adults and Children. UCLA Division of General Internal Medicine & Health Services Seminar Series. Los Angeles, CA: December 21, 2012.
Hays, Ron D. CAHPS© Survey Items Assessing How Well Healthcare Providers Address Health Literacy. 13th RCMI International Symposium on Health Disparities. San Juan, Puerto Rico: December 13, 2012.
Hays, Ron D. Patient-Centered Outcomes of Health Care. CTSI Training Module 2: Comparative Effectiveness Research. UCLA: December 4, 2012.
Hays, Ron D. Patient-Reported Physical Functioning. MCID: Defining Outcome Metrics for Orthopaedic Devices Conference. Silver Spring, MD: November 27, 2012.
Hays, Ron D. Overview of Item Response Theory. Geriatrics Society of America (GSA) - Pre-Conference Workshop on Patient-Reported Outcome Item Banks. San Diego, CA: November 14, 2012.
Hays, Ron D. Evaluating IRT Assumptions. Geriatrics Society of America (GSA) - Pre-Conference Workshop on Patient-Reported Outcome Item Banks. San Diego, CA: November 14, 2012.
Hays, Ron D. Evaluating Multi-Item Scales. Guest lecture to UCLA HS225A--Health Services Research Design. Los Angeles, CA: November 13, 2012.
Hays, Ron D. Dr. Hays' Introduction to Incoming Fellows. UCLA: August 10, 2012.
Hays, Ron D. Evaluating Multi-Item Scales Using Item-Scale Correlations and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. RCMAR Methods Seminar. UCLA/Drew: June 18, 2012.
Hays, Ron D. Studying the Doctor-Patient Relationship. UCLA HS265--Challenges in Clinical Health Services Research. Los Angeles, CA: May 3, 2012.
Hays, Ron D. Health-Related Quality of Life as an Indicator of Quality of Care. UCLA HS216--Quality Assessment: Making the Business Case for Quality. Santa Monica, CA: April 12, 2012.
Hays, Ron D. Associations of Cancer and Other Chronic Health Conditions with SF-6D Preference-based Scores among Medicare Beneficiaries. UCLA Department of Medicine GIM/Health Services Seminar Series. Los Angeles, CA: January 6, 2012.
Hays, Ron D. Internal and External Validity and Method of Control. Drew MSRTP - Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science. Los Angeles, CA: December 13, 2011.
Hays, Ron D. Estimating Reliability. RCMAR/EXPORT Methods Seminar Series - UCLA. Los Angeles, CA: December 12, 2011.
Hays, Ron D. Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Nephrology. Harbor-UCLA Division of Nephrology and Hypertension - Nephrology Grand Rounds. Torrance, CA: November 28, 2011.
Hays, Ron D. Multi-item Scale Evaluation. Questionnaire Design and Training Workshop. Los Angeles, CA: November 18, 2011.
Hays, Ron D. Health-Related Quality of Life. Lecture to UCLA CTSI Training Program in Translational Investigation - Comprehensive Approach to the Measurement of Health Outcomes. Los Angeles, CA: November 14, 2011.
Hays, Ron D. Evaluating Multi-item Scales. Guest Lecture to UCLA Health Services Research Design (HS225A). Los Angeles, CA: November 4, 2011.
Hays, Ron D.Evaluating English Versus Spanish Language Equivalence in the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System Physical Functioning Item Bank. International Society for Quality of Life Research - 18th Annual Conference. Denver, CO: October 29, 2011.
Hays, Ron D.Responsiveness of PROMIS Physical Functioning Measure in Rheumatoid Arthritis. PROMIS Investigator Meeting. Denver, CO: October 25, 2011.
Hays, Ron D. Performance of PROMIS CATs Versus Short forms in Detecting Change. International Association for Computer Adaptive Testing (IACAT), Pacific Grove California: October 3, 2011.
Hays, Ron D. Performance of CAHPS® Health IT items. AHRQ 2011 Annual Conference. Bethesda, MD: September 20, 2011.
Hays, Ron D. CAHPS Clinician & Group Survey 2.0 Update. AHRQ 2011 Annual Conference. Bethesda, MD: September 18, 2011.
Hays, Ron D. Dr. Hays' 2011 Introduction to Incoming Fellows. August 5, 2011.
Hays, Ron D. Health-Related Quality of Life in Outcome Studies, GCRC Summer Session. July 18, 2011.
Hays, Ron D. Meeting Survival Tips (Multi-Level Mentoring). UCLA. Los Angeles: June 23, 2011.
Hays, Ron D. Health-Related Quality of Life Measures. Guest Lecture to UCLA Health Services HS249T: Decision Analysis and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. UCLA. Los Angeles: May 11 and 16, 2011.
Hays, Ron D. Health-Related Quality of Life as an Indicator of Quality of Care. Guest Lecture to UCLA Health Services HS249: Health Quality Assessment and Assurance. UCLA. Los Angeles: April 7, 2011.
Hays, Ron D. Research and (RAND). Westat. Rockville MD: November 22, 2010.
Hays, Ron D. CAHPS Survey to Evaluate the Patient's Experience with the Medical Home. The World Congress Leadership Summit on the Patient Centered Medical Home. San Diego, CA: November 18, 2010.
Hays, Ron D.A Comprehensive Approach to the Measurement of Health Outcomes. UCLA K30 Workshop Module 2. UCLA: November 16, 2010.
Hays, Ron D. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). UCLA RCMAR/EXPORT Seminar Series. UCLA: November 15, 2010.
Hays, Ron D. 15-minute Introduction to PROMIS. Roundtable Meeting on Measuring Burden of Illness: RTI - Washington, DC: November 10, 2010.
Hays, Ron D. Evaluating Multi-item Scales. Health Services Research Design (HS225a): UCLA - Los Angeles, CA: November 2, 2010.
Hays, Ron D. Three Issues in Modern Test Theory for the Next Ten Years. ISOQOL - London, England: October 30, 2010.
Hays, Ron D.Estimating Minimally Important Differences (MIDs) of Health-Related Quality Measures? Work in Progress. UCLA GIM/HSR Research Seminar Series. UCLA - Los Angeles, CA: October 15, 2010
Hays, Ron D. Multitrait Scaling and IRT: Part I and Part II. Questionnaire Design and Testing Workshop: UCLA - Los Angeles, CA: October 8, 2010.
Hays, Ron D.Estimating Minimally Important Differences on PROMIS Domain Scores. PROMIS Investigator Meeting. Bethesda, MD: October 5, 2010.
Hays, Ron D.Health-Related Quality of Life in Outcome Studies. UCLA, Los Angeles: July 19, 2010.
Lori McLeod, Ron D. Hays, Susan Martin, and Sheri Fehnel. Defining a Responder: Implementing the Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) Guidance Recommendations. ISPOR 15th Annual International Meeting. Atlanta, GA: May 19, 2010.
Hays, Ron D. Studying the doctor-patient relationship: Assessing patient perceptions of health care. Challenges in Clinical Health Services (HS265): UCLA - Los Angeles, CA: April 29, 2010.
Hays, Ron D. Domains of PROMIS and how they were developed. 2010 Midwest Nursing Research Society Annual Conference: MNRS Pre-Conference Workshop. Kansas City, MO: April 8, 2010.
Hays, Ron D. Introduction to the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS). UCLA Center for East-West Medicine. Los Angeles, CA: February 11, 2010.
Hays, Ron D. Adapting the CAHPS Clinician and Group Survey to the American Indian Population. 62nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America. Atlanta, GA: November 18, 2009.
Hays, Ron D. Discussion of Issues and Approaches Presented by Templin and Teresi. 62nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America. Atlanta, GA: November 18, 2009.
Hays, Ron D. A Comprehensive Approach to the Measurement of Health Outcomes. UCLA K30 Workshop Module 2 - Los Angeles, CA: November 17, 2009.
Hays, Ron D.Evaluating Multi-item Scales. Lecture to UCLA HS237A - Los Angeles, CA: November 10, 2009.
Hays, Ron D. Impact of using a next button in a web-based health survey on time to complete and reliability of measurement. 16th Annual ISOQOL Conference. New Orleans, Louisiana: October 31, 2009.
Hays, Ron D. 16 Good Years: It's all Downhill from Here. President's Award Address at the 16th Annual ISOQOL Conference. New Orleans, Louisiana: October 30, 2009.
Hays, Ron D.Item Response Theory (IRT) Models for Questionnaire Evaluation: Response to Reeve. NCHS workshop - question evaluation methods - Hyattsville, MD: October 22, 2009.
Hays, Ron D.Multitrait Scaling and IRT: Part I. Questionnaire Design and Testing Workshop. UCLA - Los Angeles, CA: October 16, 2009.
Hays, Ron D.Multitrait Scaling and IRT: Part II. Questionnaire Design and Testing Workshop. UCLA - Los Angeles, CA: October 16, 2009.
Hays, Ron D. Impact of using a next button in a web-based health survey on time to complete and reliability of measurement. UCLA GIM/HSR Research Seminar Series. UCLA - Los Angeles, CA: October 2, 2009.(audio now available - presentation starts at around the 9:38 minute mark)
Hays, Ron D. The Life Story of Ron Hays - UCLA GIM/HSR Introduction to Fellows. UCLA - Los Angeles, CA: August 7, 2009.
Hays, Ron D.Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL). UCLA Nursing School Students. UCLA - Los Angeles, CA: July 20, 2009.
Hays, Ron D. Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) Assessment in Outcome Studies. GCRC Summer Course "The Essentials of Clinical Investigation: Developing a Research Proposal". UCLA - Los Angeles, CA: July 13, 2009.
Hays, Ron D.Development of Physical and Mental Health Summary Scores from PROMIS Global Items. AcademyHealth - Chicago, IL: June 29, 2009.
Hays, Ron D.Health-Related Quality of Life Preference Measures for Vision Studies. Allergan - Irvine, CA: June 10, 2009.
Hays, Ron D. Introducing Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to Novices Using Kevin Heslin's SF-36 Data from Opioid Users. UCLA GIM/HSR Research Seminar Series. UCLA - Los Angeles, CA: May 8, 2009.
Hays, Ron D. Studying the doctor-patient relationship: Assessing patient perceptions of health care. Lecture to UCLA HS265 Challenges in Clinical Health Services - Los Angeles, CA: May 7, 2009.
Hays, Ron D. Diversity in Quality Improvement. Institute of Medicine - Workshop: Future Directions for the National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports. Newport Beach, CA: March 11, 2009.
Hays, Ron D. Ambulatory Care Survey Updates - Health Information Technology (HITS). 11th CAHPS & 1st SOPS User Group Meeting. Scottsdale, Arizona: December 4, 2008.
Hays, Ron D.CAHPS® Medicare Survey/SEER Project. UCLA: November 25, 2008.
Hays, Ron D. A Comprehensive Approach to the Measurement of Health Outcomes. UCLA K30 Module - Health Services Research. UCLA: November 25, 2008.
Hays, Ron D. Multitrait Scaling and IRT: Part I. UCLA Clinical Scholars Program - Questionnaire Design and Testing Workshop. UCLA: November 10, 2008.
Hays, Ron D. Multitrait Scaling and IRT: Part II. UCLA Clinical Scholars Program - Questionnaire Design and Testing Workshop. UCLA: November 10, 2008.
Hays, Ron D. Measurement Tools to Enhance Health-Related Quality of Life Research: The Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS). 15th Annual International Society for Quality of Life Research Conference. Montevideo, Uruguay: October 25, 2008.
Hays, Ron D. Evaluation of Mode (Mail vs. Phone administration) Effects for Generic Health-Related Quality of Life Measures in Clinical Outcomes and Measurement of Health Study (COMHS). 15th Annual International Society for Quality of Life Research Conference. Montevideo, Uruguay: October 25, 2008.
Hays, Ron D. Evaluation of Mode (Mail vs Phone administration) Effects for Generic Health-Related Quality of Life Measures in Clinical Outcomes and Measurement of Health Study (COMHS). Lecture to Graduate Seminar in Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy. USC: Los Angeles, CA: October 10, 2008.
Hays, Ron D. Construction and Evaluation of Multi-Item Scales. RCMAR/EXPORT Meeting. UCLA: September 15, 2008.
Hays, Ron D. Welcome to My Nightmare.UCLA GIM/HSR Introduction to Fellows. UCLA: August 15, 2008
Hays, Ron D. Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) Assessment in Outcome Studies. GCRC Summer Course "The Essentials of Clinical Investigation: Developing a Research Proposal". UCLA: July 14, 2008(podcast to accompany above presentation).
Hays, Ron D. Measurement Issues. Diabetes & Obesity Disparities in Health Care Systems Conference. Bethesda, MD: June 30, 2008.
Hays, Ron D. Impact of Mode and Order of Administration on Generic HRQOL Scores. Institute for Healthcare Studies Seminar Series - CORE Speaker Series on Quality of Life and Patient Reported Outcomes in Chronic Illness. Evanston Northwestern Healthcare Research Institute, Chicago: June 26, 2008.
Hays, Ron D. How to Measure Quality of Life. American Diabetes Association. San Francisco: June 9, 2008.
Hays, Ron D. Studying the doctor-patient relationship: Assessing patient perceptions of health care. Lecture in HS265 Challenges in Clinical Health Services. UCLA: May 8, 2008.
Hays, Ron D. Considerations in Comparing Groups of People with PROs. ISPOR, Toronto Canada: May 6, 2008.
Hays, Ron D. Reader's Digest Introduction to Health-Related Quality of Life. Nova Southeastern University Health Professions Division Research Day, Ft. Lauderdale: April 25, 2008.
Hays, Ron D. Part Time "Detailee" for the National Cancer Institute (NCI) under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA). Multi-Level Mentoring Lunch Meeting. UCLA: March 27, 2008.
Hays, Ron D. Effects of Mode and Order of Administration on Generic HRQOL Scores? Health Measurement Research Group 4th Annual All-Project Meeting. UC Irvine: March 21, 2008.
Hays, Ron D. Ceiling (and floor) Effects. Health Measurement Research Group 4th Annual All-Project Meeting. UC Irvine: March 21, 2008.
Hays, Ron D. Evaluating Self-Report Data Using Psychometric Methods. Lecture in HS249F Quality of Care Course. RAND, Santa Monica CA: February 6, 2008.
Hays, Ron D. Health-Related Quality of Life Assessment as an Indicator of Quality of Care. Lecture in HS249F Quality of Care Course. RAND, Santa Monica CA: January 30, 2008.
Hays, Ron D.Multitrait Scaling and IRT: Part I, Part II. Lecture to UCLA Clinical Scholars: Questionnaire Design and Testing Workshop. UCLA: December 4, 2007.
Hays, Ron D. Measuring Self-Reported Health. UCLA K30 Module - Health Services Research. UCLA: November 27, 2007.
Hays, Ron D. Cigarette Smoking and Health-Related Quality of Life in Medicare Beneficiaries. 14th Annual Conference of the International Society for Quality of Life Research. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: October 13, 2007.
Hays, Ron D. Cigarette Smoking and Health-Related Quality of Life in Medicare Beneficiaries. UCLA Division of General Internal Medicine and Health Services Research Seminar Series. UCLA: October 5, 2007.
Hays, Ron D. Highlights of Current Research. UCLA GIM/HSR Introduction to Fellows. UCLA: August 10, 2007.
Hays, Ron D. Assessing Patient Satisfaction. AUA Foundation Summer Research Conference. UCLA: August 4, 2007.
Hays, Ron D. Health-Related Quality of Life Assessment in Outcome Studies. GCRC Summer Course "The Essentials of Clinical Investigation: Developing a Research Proposal". UCLA: July 16, 2007.
Hays, Ron D. Another Perspective on PRO Content in Clinical Practice. ISOQOL Conference. Budapest, Hungary: June 25, 2007.
Hays, Ron D. Basic Methods for Measurement of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures. ISOQOL Conference on Patient Reported Outcomes in Clinical Practice, Workshop #4. Budapest, Hungary: June 24, 2007.
Hays, Ron D. Studying the Doctor-Patient Relationship using Consumer Evaluations of Care. Lecture in HS265. UCLA: May 3, 2007.
Hays, Ron D. Assessing the Minimally Important Difference of Health-Related Quality of Life Measures. NCI, D.C.: April 4, 2007.
Hays, Ron D. Options for Summarizing the SF-36 Health Survey in Health-Related Quality of Life Research, NCI, D.C.: March 29, 2007.
Hays, Ron D. Consumer Assessments of Health Care. Lecture in HS249F Quality of Care Course. RAND, Santa Monica CA: February 14, 2007.
Hays, Ron D. Evaluating Self-Report Data Using Psychometric Methods. Lecture in HS249F Quality of Care Course. RAND, Santa Monica CA: February 7, 2007.
Hays, Ron D. Health-Related Quality of Life Assessment as an Indicator of Quality of Care. Lecture in HS249F Quality of Care Course. RAND, Santa Monica CA: January 31, 2007.
Hays, Ron D. Quality of Life in Health Outcome Studies. Lecture in UCLA HS411 Issues in Cancer Prevention and Control. UCLA: November 21, 2006.
Hays, Ron D. Assessing the Minimally Important Difference in Health-Related Quality of Life Scores. UCLA Health Psychology Brown Bag. UCLA: October 25, 2006.
Hays, Ron D. Comprehensive Approach to Measuring Health Outcomes. UCLA K30 Module - Health Services Research. UCLA: October 23, 2006.
Hays, Ron D. Quality of Life Research Journal 2006+. ISOQOL. Lisbon, Portugal: October 2006.
Hays, Ron D. Minimally Important Differences. ISOQOL. Lisbon, Portugal: October 2006.
Hays, Ron D. Psychometric Evaluation and Calibration. ISOQOL. Lisbon, Portugal: October 14, 2006.
Hays, Ron D. Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS). UCLA Division of General Internal Medicine and Health Services Research Seminar Series. UCLA: September 29, 2006.
Hays, Ron D. Summary of the important work I do and how it can help you in life. UCLA Division of General Internal Medicine and Health Services Research Seminar Series - meet the faculty. UCLA: September 15, 2006.
Hays, Ron D. Physical Functioning. PROMIS development process session. Washington DC: September 12, 2006.
Hays, Ron D. Psychometric Modeling and Calibration. PROMIS development process session. Washington DC: September 11, 2006.
Hays, Ron D. Health-Related Quality of Life Assessment in Outcome Studies. UCLA: July 17, 2006.
Hays, Ron D. Standards for Evaluation and Documenting Psychometric Qualities of PRO Instruments. ISOQOL Patient-Reported Outcomes and Regulatory Guidance Meeting. Washington, DC: June 29, 2006.
Hays, Ron D. Summary of First Year as Editor-in-Chief of Quality of Life Research. UCLA Division of General Internal Medicine and Health Services Research Seminar Series. UCLA: June 23, 2006.
Hays, Ron D. Use of CAHPS® Database by Researchers: Findings Related to Differences by Race and Ethnicity. The 10th National CAHPS® User Group Meeting, Baltimore MD: March 30, 2006.
Hays, Ron D. Methodological Challenges in Studying Patient-Centered Communication in Cancer Care. NCI: Rockville, MD: May 16, 2006.
Hays, Ron D. Evaluating Self-Report Data Using Psychometric Methods. Lecture in HS249F Quality of Care Course. RAND, Santa Monica CA: February 8, 2006.
Hays, Ron D. Health-Related Quality of Life Assessment as an Indicator of Quality of Care. Lecture in HS249F Quality of Care Course. RAND, Santa Monica CA: February 1, 2006.
Hays, Ron D. Quantitative Methods: Reliability, Validity, and use of SEM to Assess Psychometric Equivalence. Presented at Geriatric Society of America: November 18, 2005. [Hays-GSA.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D. Differences in Patient Reports and Ratings of Ambulatory Health Care by Race/Ethnicity. Presented at National Cancer Institute: June 13, 2005. [PowerPoint presentation in Box: NCI-Race-Ethnic-06-13-05.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D. Studying the Doctor-Patient Relationship: Consumer Evaluations of Care. Lecture to UCLA HS265: February 24, 2005. [PowerPoint presentation in Box: HS265-Feb24-2005.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D. Factor Analysis. Lecture to UCLA School of Nursing N208: February 23, 2005. [PowerPoint presentation in Box: Factor Analysis-N208-2005.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D. Consumer Assessments of Health Care. Lecture in Quality of Care Course. RAND, Santa Monica CA: February 16, 2005. [PowerPoint in Box: feb-16.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D. Evaluating Self-Report Data Using Psychometric Methods. Lecture in Quality of Care Course. RAND, Santa Monica CA: February 9, 2005. [Powerpoint Presentation: feb-09.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D. Health-Related Quality of Life. Lecture in Quality of Care Course. RAND, Santa Monica CA: February 2, 2005. [Powerpoint Presentation: feb-02.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D. Measuring Health-Related Quality of Life Outcomes of East-West Medicine. UCLA Center for East-West Medicine 2004 Conference, Improving Quality of Life Through Integrative East-West Medicine. Los Angeles CA: December 11, 2004. [Powerpoint Presentation: CEWM-2004-Hays.pdf.]
Hays, Ron D. Race/Ethnic Differences in Reports and Ratings of Health Care. CAHPS 9th National User Group Meeting. Baltimore MD: December 2, 2004. [PowerPoint show: CAHPS UGM Hays Race-Ethnic.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D. Value-Expectancy Theories of Behavior. Presented to UCLA Clinical Scholars. UCLA: November 23, 2004. [PowerPoint: Value-Expectancy Theory 11-23-04.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D. An Overview of Minimally Important Difference Estimation in Health-Related Quality of Life Studies. 1st Annual Quality of Life Research Meeting. Seoul: October 14, 2004. [PowerPoint: Hays-Seoul-October 14-2004.pps.]
Hays, Ron D. Evaluating the Significance of Health-Related Quality of Life Change in Individual Patients. UCLA Division of General Internal Medicine and Health Services Research Seminar Series. UCLA: October 8, 2004. [PowerPoint: Hays-GIM-Oct-2004.pps.]
Hays, Ron D. Comprehensive Assessment of Health Outcomes. UCLA K30 Course on Translational Research. UCLA: October 4, 2004. [PowerPoint: K30-2004-Hays.pps.]
Hays, Ron D. Is the Minimally Important Difference Really 0.50 of a Standard Deviation? UCLA Division of General Internal Medicine and Health Services Research Seminar Series. UCLA: June 18, 2004. [PowerPoint presentation: Hays-GIM-June-2004.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D. Patient Reports and Ratings of Health Care. Lecture in HS265. UCLA, Los Angeles CA: February 26, 2004. [PowerPoint presentation: hs265-feb26-04.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D. Consumer Assessments of Health Care. Lecture in Quality of Care Course. RAND, Santa Monica CA: February 18, 2004. [PowerPoint presentation: QOC-feb18-04.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D. Evaluating Self-Report Data Using Psychometric Methods. Lecture in Quality of Care Course. RAND, Santa Monica CA: February 11, 2004. [PowerPoint presentation: QOC-feb11-04.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D. Preference-Based Measures. HS214 Class Lecture. UCLA: February 9, 2004. [PowerPoint presentation: PrefMeasures-feb9-04.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D. Health-Related Quality of Life. Lecture in Quality of Care Course. RAND, Santa Monica CA: February 4, 2004. [PowerPoint presentation: HRQOL feb-04.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D. Approaches for Estimating Minimally Important Differences. Minimally Important Differences in COPD. Beach House, Bal Harbor, FL: January 12, 2004. [PowerPoint presentation:MID-Jan2004-Hays.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D. Psychometric Analyses of Survey to Assess Parental Perceptions of Their Children's Dental Care in the California Healthy Families Program. UCLA Division of General Internal Medicine and Health Services Research Seminar Series. UCLA: October 24, 2003. [PowerPoint presentation: GIM-10-24-03-Noon.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D. A Comprehensive Approach to the Measurement of Health Outcomes. UCLA Graduate Training Program in Translational Investigation -- K30 Clinical Research Workshop: October 22, 2003. [PowerPoint presentation: k30-1022-hays.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D. Discussant: Item Response Theory Applications in Health. American Statistical Association meeting. Intercontinental Hotel, Chicago: October 18, 2003. [PowerPoint presentation: asa-2003-hays.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D. Intrapersonal Theories of Health Behavior. Lecture to UCLA Health Services Research Summer Clinical Scholars and Fellows: July 16, 2003. [PowerPoint :Theory and Behavior.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D. Introduction to Psychometric Analysis of Survey Data. Lecture to UCLA Health Services Research Summer Clinical Scholars and Fellows: July 10, 2003. [PowerPoint presentation: Intro-Psycho-Methods.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D. Finding and Verifying Item Clusters in Outcomes Research Using Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses. Lecture to UCLA School of Nursing N208: May 13, 2003. [PowerPoint presentation: N208-hays-2003.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D. A Critical Look at Health-Related Quality of Life Measures. SGIM Annual Meeting. Vancouver, B.C.: May 2, 2003. [PowerPoint presentation: SGIM-Meet-the-Professor-Hays.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D. Bounded Estimates and Other Considerations in Determining the MID. DIA Conference. Baltimore, MD: March 18, 2003. [PowerPoint presentation: dia-2003.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D. Similarities and Differences Between Classical and Item Response Theory. Division of General Internal Medicine and Health Services Research Seminar Series. UCLA: February 28, 2003. [PowerPoint presentation: ctt-irt-feb28-03.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D. Patient Reports and Ratings of the Quality of Care. Lecture in Quality of Care Course. RAND, Santa Monica CA: February 12, 2003. [PowerPoint presentation : Quality-of-Care-feb12-03.ppt.
Hays, Ron D. Evaluating Self-Report Data Using Psychometric Methods. Lecture in Quality of Care Course. RAND, Santa Monica CA: February 5, 2003. [PowerPoint presentation: Quality-of-Care-feb5-03.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D. Measurement of Health-Related Quality of Life Outcomes. Lecture in Quality of Care Course. RAND, Santa Monica CA: January 29, 2003. [PowerPoint presentation: Quality-of-Care-jan29-03.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D. Health-Related Quality of Life Assessment. Lecture at UCLA Center for East-West Medicine: November 27, 2002. [PowerPoint presentation: east-west-11-27.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D.& Morales, Leo S. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods for Assessing Measurement Equivalence in Different Subgroups. ISOQOL 2002 Annual Meeting -- Workshop #3: October 30, 2002 Orlando, Florida. PowerPoint presentation (in PDF form on Box): ISOQOLpresentation.pdf.
Hays, Ron D. Measurement of Health-Related Quality of Life Outcomes. UCLA Graduate Training Program in Translational Investigation -- K30 Clinical Research Workshop: October 17, 2002. [PowerPoint presentation: k30-10-17-hays.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D. Final Session of Summer: Psychometric Evaluation. Health Services Research Summer Clinical Scholars Class: August 23, 2002. [PowerPoint presentation is available for download here: THEORY3.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D. Development of Meaningful Survey Instruments. Health Services Research Summer Clinical Scholars Class: August 14, 2002. [PowerPoint presentation: THEORY2.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D. Social/Psychological Theories of Behavior. Health Services Research Summer Clinical Scholars Class: August 13, 2002. [PowerPoint presentation: THEORY1.ppt.
Hays, Ron D. Development of the National Eye Institute Refractive Error Quality of Life Instrument (NEI-RQL-42). Presented at USC March 20, 2002. [PowerPoint: usc-rql class-march20.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D. Health-Related Quality of Life Assessment. Lecture in Quality of Care Course. RAND, Santa Monica, CA: February 13, 2002. [PowerPoint presentation: qolcare-feb13-02.ppt.]
Hays, Ron D. Consumer Assessment of Health Care. Lecture in Quality of Care Course. RAND, Santa Monica, CA: February 6, 2002. [PowerPoint presentation: qolcare-feb06-02.ppt.]